
Hello, friend.  Thanks for visiting my simple blog, and for having the courage to take a peek inside my mind – even my heart.   I am honored that you would spend your time reading what I have to say.  The thoughts and opinions I express here are the product of a soul that seeks constantly, though imperfectly, after righteousness and truth, but who has found that he cannot just accept what others say without figuring out why.  Therefore, I’m trying constantly to figure things out.  I’ve found that sometimes the results of these efforts are unique, and that they present truth in a way that is helpful in promoting understanding.  I hope you find this to be true.

I was an adult convert to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I spent the first 45+ years of my adult life wandering pretty much aimlessly through a world of instant gratification.  Somehow, though, because I was raised by goodly parents, I always knew there was more out there.  When I met my precious wife, Diana, and through her Jesus, the time was right, I was right, and I knew I had found the path I needed to follow, even though it eventually led me through and out of the organized church.

I’m constantly and eternally grateful for the benevolence that defines all creation; to my wife, Diana, for loving me and for allowing me to love her; and to my parents for doing their best to teach the difference between right and wrong.  Peace is a precious thing, and through the teachings of Jesus and many others, I have found it, and I am learning to preserve it.

A friend once encouraged me to ask God “Who Am I”.  I did, and I was told that I am a teacher.  I already knew that, but it sure helped hearing it from a reputable source.  In my mind, a teacher is one who shares not only the fruits, but the process of his or her own journey of discovery – for the purpose of helping others along their own unique journey.  I hope this blog fulfills that purpose.

Finally, I have prayed to know what more I can do to promote peace, liberty and truth.  This blog is my answer.  I have also come to realize that I write as much for my own benefit – my own learning – as for anyone else.  My posts may not be perfect, but if they make you think, help you grow, and if you feel the spirit of truth through them, then they have accomplished their purpose.


This blog has become a journal of my eternal evolution.  As my understanding of truth changes, my beliefs must change.  There are many posts, especially in the early stages, that no longer reflect my beliefs.  I have elected to leave them intact because together they document my journey.

I have also come to understand that it is my mission to express truth in words that are more accessible, simpler, more meaningful to the average person than those used in the scriptures.  Words are metaphors for ideas.  The scriptures are, in many ways, metaphors for truth.  That doesn’t make them less sacred or critical to our evolution, but I’m more interested in learning for myself what they teach than what others tell me that they teach.  The source for this learning?  Guess…

So, I rarely find that I disagree with the scriptures, but I frequently find that I disagree with the interpretation of the scriptures that is reflected in the western religious dogma.  My search continues.  I share many of the fruits of that search here.  Again, I hope you find things here that you can put in your own tool box, to help you in your own search.

Addendum 2:
A few years ago, I had a conversation with Jesus where I said, “Lord, I have thrown all the pieces of the puzzle on the ground.  Will you help me pick them back up in the correct way?”  I also have asked, “Help me become love”.  I believe Jesus is in fact helping to bring about both requests.  If there is one most important thing that I have learned, it is this…If there is one defining characteristic of God; of Jesus; of all creation, it is benevolence – perfect, unconditional love.  Anything that contradicts this truth is man made.

17 comments on “About

  1. Your thoughts have been a blessing in my life! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Thanks, Emily. Hey, it has occurred to me that you guys and us guys ought to get together some time. Interested?

  3. Just linked into your site from Mormon Chronicle ( which I linked into from another LDS site). I am very much interested in learning anything you are willing to share with me concerning your lineage and family history. My husband is a STOVER from PA and I, being an avid genealogical clue follower, am contacting you for him. We know of no other LDS people by the name of Stover.
    Am finding it quite interesting that both my husband’s name and yours start with “S” and Diana(e) must be a good name for your spouses.

    Will be waiting anxiously to hear from and about you.


    • Wow, Diane. You might also be interested in knowing that my first wife (before my conversion) was named Diane! My father was born in West Virginia in 1928. I met my paternal grandmother one time, and we never went back because her boyfriend put the moves on my mom, with my dad standing right there! We’ve done quite a bit of work in the temple, but mostly on my Mother’s side – which just fell into our laps. I’ve received a confirmation that my father accepted his temple ordinances. Concerning Stovers who are LDS, I hear all time of a Walter Stover here in Salt Lake city, and every time anybody mentions him, the follow up with “Great Man!”. I think he opened up a mission in Germany or something like that. Here’s a link to his obituary: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/241117/DEATH–WALTER-STOVER.html?pg=all. Anyway, we have lots of names, but I don’t have them memorized or anything. My father’s name was William Otice Stover, Grandfather also William, and I think Great Grandfather was Samuel Crockett Stover. Now, if you want to know what’s happening with the current LDS family Stover in Salt Lake City, just keep following my blog. It is a running account of my spiritual journey. I wrote a few things for Mormon Chronicle, but we don’t really fit that well anymore, so I don’t submit things there anymore. Where do you live? This whole Diane – Diana thing is really pretty funny!

  4. Thanks so much for replying. I was aware of Walter Stover and his good reputation and I do appreciate your sending his obit. He is the only one we’ve known of in the Church tthough there are are now 3 generations of us in our immediate family. Though my husband’s family is from western Ohio (great grandparents) , I do believe, from my research, that they originated in VA (West VA, of course, once being part of VA) where I’ve found a number of Stovers.

    Keep up the interesting blog posts.

    Diane Stover

  5. Just checking up on you. I haven’t seen a post from you for almost 3 weeks now. I just wanted to let you know I appreciate the past posts you have done. Thank you for your many insights. I didn’t know how else to contact you. How’s the lesson going for the men you work with? I feel prompted to share some of my learning dreams that I have been taught over the past 7 years with you. Let me know if this is something you would be interested in and I can e-mail you them. Have a beautiful spring weekend!

    • Sally – how sweet of you to miss me! This made my day! I’ve just been busy with work and other things. I would love to hear about your dreams and to have more contact with you. My e-mail address is scootd28@yahoo.com. I am also on FB under scott stover.

  6. Hi there. I’ve just finished reading a post of yours and it’s my first time reading you! I am so.not.blog.savvy! How do I begin receiving your blog posts when you post them? I would love to know! Thank you!

    • Debbie, there should be a place on the page where you can put your e-mail and sign up for automatic e-mails. If you can’t find that, then send me your e-mail, and I will gladly add it to my own distribution list. I’m very thankful that you like what I write.

  7. Have you ever read the thus saith the Lord revelations found in the Second Book of Commandments? It’s the continuation of the D&C.

  8. Now that I know your name is Stover, having found this queue of posts from way back in 2012, I would like to correspond with you in private. Would you be so kind as to send me an e-mail? I am not from church police! Thank you.
    James Russell Uhl

    • LOL, James. I’m “out”. I recognize your name. Didn’t figure you were the church police, but even if you were, they have no influence in my life anymore. I would love to chat. On FB, and I’ll e-mail you.

  9. You obviously think your grand words and personal declarations have brought you close to God. But your own words God himself will judge because you have used them to accuse others with the intent to further your agenda and feed your ego. Your meta cognition is fooling you. You are not good. You are a liar and a lover of the lie. You judge and spend time doing the exact opposite of the very things you claim to be striving for. Prayers can not help you Scoot only truth can and that’s the one thing that evades you. You hold Information and opinions supported by limited knowledge of greater truths. You should spend time righting your wrongs before you condemn yourself further with your own platform.

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